RV Safety Guide: Animals to Avoid Around Your Campsite
Exploring the outdoors is always an adventure, but some wildlife encounters are better observed from a distance. Here’s how you can stay safe and avoid potential issues with animals around your RV and campsite.
Wildlife Encounter Probability Calculator
Total Wildlife Encounter Probability
0% chance
Raccoons: Cute but Crafty
Raccoons can be adorable, but they’re also known for their curiosity and occasional mischief. Recently, a camper shared a story about a raccoon wandering into their campsite and even entering their hot tub!
These clever animals are attracted to food and water, and they’re not shy about making themselves at home. Here are some tips to keep them at bay:
- Secure all food in animal-proof containers.
- Keep doors and windows closed or screened, especially at night.
- Remove any leftover food or trash promptly.
Skunks and Hot Tubs: Not a Good Mix
One camper recently discovered that skunks had taken a liking to the warm area around their hot tub. While skunks are generally harmless, a startled skunk might spray, creating a very unpleasant situation.
Prevent skunks from getting too close by making sure your campsite is free of food scraps and odors that might attract them.
Other Encounters
From mountain lions to bears, some campers have even had encounters with larger animals. While these cases are rare, it’s a good idea to be aware of local wildlife and take precautions to avoid attracting any unwanted visitors.
Enjoy your time outdoors, but remember to respect the space of local wildlife. Taking simple precautions can make all the difference between a memorable and safe camping experience versus an unexpected animal encounter.